Legends of Farhold.gif (3410 bytes)
Fantasy Roleplaying Campaign developed by Steve Bonario for the 3rd Edition D&D game


Character Information > Calvin | Corbin | Dworn | Elora | Kip | Santeela | Sarduna

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played by Neil Blackwell

Is he alive or is he undead?? He seems to be breathing, but that could just be reflex. Looking at him from afar he is a stick thin, three and a half foot tall figure, shrouded in a gray cloak. With the wind whipping his long oversized cloak it looks like he might just blow away. He stops for a moment and seems to fade deep into the background. On the move again, he approaches closer. A gray moleskin gloved hand pushes back the hood. Pale, sickly white skin is visible. A face so thin, almost starved. Hair pitch black, sticking straight up and at all angles. Cold ice blue bloodshot eyes glare harshly. The cloak opens, he is lightly armored in blood colored leather armor. A bright dagger hangs on his hip. An odd bow case lightly hangs low across his back, with short bow easily within grasp. A pack is slung under his cloak with a belt pouch more easily within reach across his waist. He speaks, "My name is Kip, what town is this?" His voice is thin and high, grating like metal rubbing metal. He smiles, lips red, the smile of death. He moves on, wrapped once more in his shroud of darkness. Your valuables are missing, pouch, rings, everything gone, including him. A tap on your shoulder from behind, his movements quick and silent, it’s him again, "Look… I’m really, really lost… here’s most of your stuff back, can you please, please, please tell me where I am? I’m supposed to meet some people in some tavern around here that starts with an s, I think it was an s, I suppose it could have been a f, well anyway, where am I? I always get things like this mixed up, you know directions and all that…"


Legends of Farhold. Website design by Erghon Associates, 1999-2001.