Legends of Farhold.gif (3410 bytes)
Fantasy Roleplaying Campaign developed by Steve Bonario for the 3rd Edition D&D game


Character Information > Calvin | Corbin | Dworn | Elora | Kip | Santeela | Sarduna

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played by Tom Perdoni

Standing 5'10" at about 150 lbs., his recent travels have turned the boy into a wiry young man.  The blonde hair has darkened and been cropped close for ease of care on the road, the short length giving it a darker cast.  Jade green eyes return your gaze with frankness and a bit of curiosity.  The face shows the confidence bordering on arrogance so common in young men.  His voice carries a dark undertone, on the edge between sarcasm and humor.  A raven on the windowsill behind him laughs raucously at his latest cutting jibe.  As he talks, the robes shift and you notice both arms covered in a lattice of tattoos starting at the wrist.  They cover the arms up to and including the shoulders, a bit even peeking out of the collar.  Calvin has not shared their meaning or origin with anybody to date.  But then, wizards never do share all their secrets, do they?


Legends of Farhold. Website design by Erghon Associates, 1999-2001.