Legends of Farhold.gif (3410 bytes)
Fantasy Roleplaying Campaign developed by Steve Bonario for the 3rd Edition D&D game


Character Information > Calvin | Corbin | Dworn | Elora | Kip | Santeela | Sarduna

Elora.jpg (9990 bytes)


played by Johnna Golden

If a person were kind they might describe me as exotic looking.  That special blend of elf and human that illustrates why not....  The length of the elvish eyes and ears strain against the lightly defined human cheeks and chin, making my usually serious face look rather wide.   A flatter than "real" elf nose with a "slight" crook to it from a wrestling match as a kid.  My greeny/grey eyes contrast medium to long length curly red hair (at least it's dark red and I escaped the carrot top nickname).   It sometimes gets cut (okay, lets be honest.... I hack it off with some scissors, but I think you can barely tell that because of the curls) when it gets long enough to be too much of a pain to keep bound and out of my way. My hair is usually fairly clean though most often bound back (Mother Izzy didn't stand for much dirt on a person and some habits die hard).  I am about 5 and a half feet tall (5'8" to be exact) and my build is moderately athletic (104 pounds) but very sturdy.  I have large bones on a short frame which accent the "width" most perceive. The only thing that makes some take a second look is my front which is a bit out of proportion with the rest of me.  All of this on an elvish skin tone. I look about 16 (but one would do well to remember that's 22 for a half elf).  I am usually dressed in a dark green tunic with brown breeches under padded armor with good though worn leather boots.   I have a lot of scars on my hands from running rampant in the woods when young and more than one knuckle has scars from being busted in fist fights before I learned to wrestle.  My fingers are an unimpressive medium length with one ring on each hand.   I don't wear any other jewelery (that one can tell).  I have a good looking longsword on each hip.  I respect my weapons and try to keep them clean and in good shape.  I also carry a backpack that is fairly stuffed. Under my pack one can see a short sword and another long sword covered in cloth. A quiver of arrows is strapped to each side of the pack with flight arrows on one side and sheaf on the other.     The requisite long bow is then strapped over that with a battle strap (quick release knot).  At the bottom of my pack I have a good silk rope tied neatly.   I usually also wear a black, metal buckler with a decorative silver border attached to my left arm.

Rather than focusing on the looks I don't have I hope that when people see me they see sturdiness and durability.  The only really decorative things about me are my hair (just because it is longish and curly) and my weapons which are my pride and joy.    (okay... and SOME probably consider my boobs decorative).


Legends of Farhold. Website design by Erghon Associates, 1999-2001.