Legends of Farhold.gif (3410 bytes)
Fantasy Roleplaying Campaign developed by Steve Bonario for the 3rd Edition D&D game


Character Information > Calvin | Corbin | Dworn | Elora | Kip | Santeela | Sarduna

dworn.gif (7346 bytes)


played by John Golden

I am well groomed.  I try to make myself very presentable and look respectable. I have an inch long beard that is very maintained.  My hair is a sort of a brownish red.  I am precisely 4 foot tall.  I am sort of on the thin side for a dwarf.   My eyes are brown.  I have all my teeth  (white looking because I try to brush them).  From the feet to the head.  My feet have sturdy boots.  The boots are covered with Plate.  My legs have sturdy breeches.  The breeches are covered with plate.  My chest has a tunic with a breast plate.  My arms have plate covering.  My hands have sturdy gloves with plate gauntlets covering them.   My head has a great helm. I also wear a fur cloak. As for weapons.  There is a dagger in both boots and one under my beltpack.  There is also a bandoleer across my chest.  As for my short sword, one is at my left side, the other is on the side of my backpack.  There is a scimitar at my right side and one on the side of my back pack.   There is also a whip at my right side.  As for scars, I have one across my left eye, down my nose crossing my lip.  There is also a scar from my right ear to my throat.


Legends of Farhold. Website design by Erghon Associates, 1999-2001.