Legends of Farhold.gif (3410 bytes)
Fantasy Roleplaying Campaign developed by Steve Bonario for the 3rd Edition D&D game


Character Information > Griffon | Mica | Milara | Mithramas | Savannah | Talig | Wezborrikas | William

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played by Dan Perez

Wezborrikas the Wizard, while growing not only his powers and arcane knowledge but his sophistication in the ways of city folk, will always remember his apprentice days as a hedge wizard in Caladir. His overall appearance is unremarkable; he is of Ellandrian descent, and average height and weight for a human. An observant person can tell that he once was fair-skinned, but now his skin is darkened and perhaps prematurely aged by the sun and wind. He has angular features, hazel eyes, long dark hair and a full beard and moustache. His raiment is simple: Indigo robes, soft leather boots, a blue leather belt from which a finely-made leather whip hangs, and the various pouches and purses carried by those in the wizardly profession.

He came to Farhold, it is said, like so many adventure-seekers from the Southern lands: following the Gold Road north. "North lies Gold," the Tallustran saying goes, "as does danger and sorrow." Little else is known of his origins.

It is in the details that Wezborrikas (known as "Wez" to friends) betrays hints of his personality and past. Observe his whip and you will see fine copper wires braided through the length of it, a hint of his mage abilities. His hands are unusually callused from years of hard work, as on a farm, though they have begun to soften somewhat. And yet this was no simple laborer: his hazel eyes are shrewd and intelligent, and there is sometimes the soft glint of humor in them. He talks of beekeeping with knowledge and fondness, and can grade the honeys and meads of a region with authority. In fact, he has been known to gather honey in the wild for his companions with nary a sting to show for it.

He often wears a sprig of local greenery pinned to the lapel of his robes, as if to remind him of the green meadows and woodlands which enriched his youth. Strange that such a one would be found clambering over the rocky hills of the Northlands, or clambering through the dank chambers and passages of ancient ruins or caverns. But such is the life of the adventurer.

His demeanor is generally good, it is reported, although there are times when he seems to reflect sadly upon events of his past. Of his wizardly mentor, he speaks very little, although it is known that Wezborrikas had not one, but two mentors: the second after some ill fate befell the first. Wezborrikas has been observed spending much time at the Guild of Scribes in Farhold, seeking after knowledge following the strange disappearance of his second mentor. Wezborrikas has also studied a variety of disciplines, including alchemy and herbalism. He is very clearly comfortable around animals of all types, and can ride capably. He has a pet weasel named Iam and used to have a Sun Dog and Caladite Watcher as pets, but those were given over to the care of others during the course of adventuring.

He seems most jovial in the company of other mages, such as Mica and Milara, although he often confers privately with Savannah the Rogue and Talig the Warrior about matters of unknown import. Still, he has demonstrated considerable loyalty to all his fellow adventurers. In battle, Wezborrikas has exhibited bravery and resourcefulness, although some think him too cautious. But how else to judge someone who has seen strange fates befall his mentors? Although he has used his magical powers in battle more and more exclusively, Wezborrikas has been observed to use not only his whip, but a strange tubelike device, through which small barbed darts can be propelled by the force of his breath.

Those who have scrutinized Wezborrikas closely will shake their heads when asked to speculate on his true motives and ambitions, although it is clear that the quest for knowledge and experience is a paramount concern. The wise might simply shrug and say, "I think, perhaps, it is somewhat a mystery to him, as well...who knows the heart of a man, but that man?"


Legends of Farhold. Website design by Erghon Associates, 1999-2001.