Legends of Farhold.gif (3410 bytes)
Fantasy Roleplaying Campaign developed by Steve Bonario for the 3rd Edition D&D game


Character Information > Griffon | Mica | Milara | Mithramas | Savannah | Talig | Wezborrikas | William

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played by Jerry Stitt

The muscular young man smiles at you as you pass, and you note that his rugged face is already marked by lines of frequent laughter. His light brown hair is worn long, and flows down from beneath his wide brimmed hat. Tall and muscular, he walks with a grace rarely seen in one his size. That he is a fighter is obvious by the large sword slung across his back, and the old, oiled chain mail visible beneath his oversized tunic. It is his eyes though that gives you a moment's pause, for one so young should not have such a haunted look about his ice blue eyes.


Legends of Farhold. Website design by Erghon Associates, 1999-2001.